The Christian Education Committee, in association with the pastor(s), shall oversee the conduct of the Confirmation classes as well as promotion of the educational programs to all ages within the congregation. It seek to introduce devotions and Christian study into the homes of the congregation. This committee shall also seek to increase the awareness of the call to ministry that each Christian receives in their Baptism. Additionally they shall administer distribution of scholarship grants provided through the Endowment Fund.
The Property Committee shall see to the proper maintenance and protection of all property of the congregation, and shall take care that the same is kept in good repair. In association with the pastor(s) they provide work direction to the church custodian.
The Evangelism Committee shall stimulate and lead all members of the congregation to fulfill their baptismal calling to be evangelists. This calling includes reaching out to the spiritually indifferent and the unchurched, and active care-giving between members of the congregation. This committee shall also work to assimilate new members into the life of the congregation and shall periodically study the congregation in the context of its surrounding community.
The Stewardship/Finance Committee shall be responsible for the congregation's annual stewardship awareness event, which encouraging members to contribute their time, talent, and financial support to the church. It shall promote the expression of Christian faith in daily living, diffuse knowledge of the church's local, national and world-wide ministries, and lead its members to a higher level of grateful giving in the Lord's work. The committee shall also prepare a draft budget for the succeeding year and submit such budget to the Congregation Council for action and later presentation at the Annual Meeting. It shall exercise oversight of all financial affairs of the congregation and provide for annual audits of accounts of the treasurer.
The Music and Worship Committee, in association with the pastor(s) shall see that the services of God’s house are conducted regularly and in accordance with the Liturgy of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, that competent ushers are recruited and trained, and that hymnals and other devotional materials are provided and properly cared for. This committee shall supervise and strive to advance the welfare and effective service of the choirs of the congregation. It shall arrange with the Altar Guild for the care of paraments and vestments, and preparation of the Sacraments. It shall see to the care of the musical instruments. In consultation with the pastor(s), the organist and choir directors, it shall furnish music supplies appropriate for use in the worship of a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
The Youth Ministry Committee shall be comprised of youth and adults. The purpose of this committee is to develop Christian identity through programs and events for youth, to serve as a resource for the congregation on youth concerns, to foster a partnership among youth and adults of the congregation, and to provide leadership opportunities for youth in all aspects of church life.
The Memorials Committee shall make possible and encourage memorial gifts, and shall select appropriate items for which memorials may be given.
The Personnel Committee shall work with the employed personnel to maintain good working relations within the congregation. Except for the pastor(s) it shall create and maintain job descriptions for critical roles, do the preliminary interviewing of employed staff, supervise the hiring of all employees, recommend initial and annual compensation, and function as the evaluating body of all employees. In addition, the committee shall ensure that staff have a safe and supportive environment to hear concerns, issues, and problems.
The Endowment Committee shall work together to collect applications, determine the recipients, and distribute the allocated funds. This process is done on a yearly bases. In addition they meet quarterly to stay up to date on the progress of the funds.